Taraweeh Summary
This summary covers the first one and a quarter Juzu of the Qur'ân, beginning with Sûrah Fâtiha and concluding with verse 176 of Sûrah Baqara.
Start of First Juz
Sûrah Fâtiha is usually referred to as Al Hamd Sharîf. Although this Sûrah was not the first Sûrah of the Qur'ân to be revealed, it is the first to be written in Qur'ânic manuscripts and the first to be recited when commencing recitation (Tilâwah) of the Qur'ân.
This summary of the second Tarawîh begins at the second quarter of the second Juz and concludes midway into the third Juz (at verse 18 of Sûrah Âl Imrân).
To a very large extent, Sûrah Baqara discusses the complete message of Islâm, dealing with matters such as the rights of Allâh, the rights of man, the method of living and the principles of social interaction. It also outlines laws pertaining to Salâh, Zakâh and Haj.
This summary, of the fourth Juz commences at the beginning of Sûrah Nisâ and concludes at the end of the fifth Juz (verse 147 of Sûrah Nisâ).
To avenge their defeat at Badr, the Mushrikîn of Makkah mustered large force to attack Madinah the following year. The two armies locked in combat near Mount Uhud.
This summary, of the fifth Tarawîh covers the entire sixth Juz.
One of the central themes of Sûrah Mâ'idah is that the laws of the Sharî'ah must be revered and upheld. In explaining this, the following injunctions have been highlighted:
This summary of the third Tarawîh commences at verse 18 of Sûrah Âl Imran and concludes at the end of Sûrah Âl Imrân.
Allâh speaks of Hadhrat Îsa Alayhis Salâm and his mother Hadhrat Maryam Radiallâhu anha. When she was placed in the care of Hadhrat Zakariyya Alayhis Salâm he noticed that she used to eat fruits that were not in season.
This summary of the sixth Tarawîh covers the Seventh Juz.
Beginning of the Seventh Juz
Allâh also draws man's attention to the fact that the person who forbids something that Allâh has permitted will be guilty of following his carnal desires [his nafs] instead of Allâh's injunctions.
This summary of the seventh Tarawîh covers the Eight Juz.
Beginning of Eighth Juz
Allâh commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to announce to the people, "Certainly my Rabb has guided me to the straight path ... Surely my Salâh, all my acts of worship, my life and my death are for Allâh, the Rabb of the universe. He has no partner. With this have I been commanded and I am the first of those who surrender." (Sûrah An'âm, verses 161-163)
This summary of the eight Tarawîh covers the Ninth Juz.
Beginning of the Ninth Juz
After narrating these incidents Allâh says, "When your Rabb extracted from the backs of the children of Âdam their progeny and called them to witness over themselves saying, 'Am I not your Rabb?' They replied, 'Certainly! We attest to it.'" (verse 172)
This summary of the ninth Tarawîh covers the Tenth Juz.
Beginning of tenth Juz
The tenth Juz commences with mention of booty. Allâh declares, "Know that from whatever spoils of war that you acquire, a fifth of it shall be for Allâh, His messenger, the relatives, the poor, the orphans and the travellers" (verse 41).
This summary of the tenth Tarawîh covers the Eleventh Juz.
Beginning of the Eleventh Juz.
The ending of the tenth Juz dealt with those Munâfiqîn who concocted excuses to evade conscription into the Muslim army. There were also many proud Munâfiqîn who saw no need to excuse themselves.
This summary of the Eleventh Tarawîh covers the Twelfth Juz.
Beginning of the Twelfth Juz
Sûrah Hûd follows Sûrah Yunus and contains the incidents of many a past nation, describing the punishments that afflicted them because of their disbelief.
This summary of the twelfth Tarawîh covers the Thirteenth Juz.
Beginning of the Thirteenth Juz
When a severe drought struck Egypt and the surrounding areas, Egypt had no shortage of grains because Hadhrat 'Yusuf had already proposed to the king that they should keep grains in store from the previous year's harvest.
This summary of the thirteenth Tarawîh covers the Fourteenth Juz.
Beginning of the Fourteenth Juz
Sûrah Hijr follows Sûrah Ibrahîm. This Sûrah sounds a stern warning to those people who mocked Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam message of Islâm and who called him a madman. Allâh tells such people that the Qur'ân is a Reminder from Allâh which He has‑ revealed to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam Allâh adds: "Without doubt We have revealed the Reminder and We shall certainly be its protectors. (verse 9)
This summary of the fourteenth Tarawîh covers the Fifteenth Juz.
Beginning of the Fifteenth Juz
Sûrah Bani Isra'îl follows Sûrah Nahl as the seventeenth Sûrah of the Qur'ân. Allâh took Rasuluilâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam on the miraculous journey of Mi'râj, when Allâh showed him great signs of His power. It was on this journey that Allâh made the five daily Salâh obligatory on all Muslims.
This summary of the Fifteenth Tarawîh covers the Sixteenth Juz.
Beginning of the Sixteenth Juz
This part of Sûrah Kahf contains the incident of Dhul Qarnain whose kingdom was extremely extensive. He was a pious Mu'min who ruled very justly. It was during his reign that the barbaric tribes of Ya'jûj and Majûj plundered other nations and wreaked havoc in their lives.