The Darul Ihsan Welfare Department assists individuals and families who face complex situations, especially due to financial constraints.
Jumada Al-Akhirah also known as Jumad al-Thani, is the sixth month of the Islamic calendar, following Jumada Al-Awwal and preceding Rajab.
Rabi-us-Thani, also known as Rabi-ul-Akhir, is the fourth month of the Islamic Calendar. Both Rabi-ul-Awwal and Rabi-us-Thani are linked to the concept of spring. Rabi-us-Thani can be translated as ‘the second spring’. ‘Rabi’ is associated with the arabic word ‘Irtiba’, meaning to maintain one's property and surroundings. Consequently, during this month, people would focus on ‘spring cleaning’ their homes.
Just as ties of kinship are closely linked, so is the relationship with neighbours. The Glorious Qur’an makes mention of two types of neighbours:
The noble and graceful character of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is in total conformity to all the natural needs of man.
In the English language, patience (Sabr) is sometimes defined as the capacity for calm endurance of pain, trouble, and inconvenience.
DHC has been receiving a growing number of applicants requesting funding for setting up a SMALL BUSINESS. It is common knowledge that many big and medium-sized businesses are either closing down or downsizing. This sad trend in the business-world is unfortunately on the increase.
Islamic Guidance on what to do upon the birth of a child
Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (Rahimahullah)
Maulana was requested to convey a message for the Muslims of America. His resounding message, delivered in Lucknow, India on 3 September 1983 is significant not only for the Muslims of America but for all Muslims residing in the West.
During the first week of May, the Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre (DHC) received a letter of thanks from the Thembalethu Care Centre for its ongoing support of and dedication to the Lamontville community, Durban.
Besides all other Utility Bills, the Welfare Department of Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre (DHC) also receives request to assist in paying medical bills.
Our Nabi [Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] has taught that one who is not grateful to people cannot be grateful to Allah.
Jazaakallah khayran for everything you have done in the month of Ramadhan...Wallah this year we had beautiful Ramadhan and everything went well...and as for eid Alhamdulilah everything was good no complain.
Keep it up may Allahﷻ shower His mercy on u with ur family.
For the past three months, Brother Mohammed M struggled severely with unemployment. Unable to afford his utility bills, he contacted the Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre which – after an assessment of the situation – assisted him financially to pay his electricity accounts for the last few months when he could not.