Hajj and Umrah
Q: Is it permissible for one to read 2 Rakats Nafl Salah between the Maghrib Azan and Iqamah whilst in Makkah and Madinah, or anywhere else?
Q: Is it permitted to do Tawaf on a wheel chair or a golf cart?
Q: Can a person performing Hajj apply sun lotion whilst in the state of Ihram?
Q: What happens if a person does not perform Tawaf-uz-Ziyarah?
Q: Can a person performing Hajj apply sun lotion whilst in the state of Ihram?
Q: Does a person performing Hajj need to perform Qurbani?
Q: Can Qurbani and Tawaf be done for the deceased?
Q: A person was a Musafir on 10, 11, and 12of Zul Hijjah. However, before sunset on 12 Zul Hijjah he returned home. Will Qurbani be Wajib upon him? Similarly, if a person upon whom Qurbani was not Wajib received some money which equals the Nisab amount just before sunset of 12 Zul Hijjah, will Qurbani be Wajib upon him?
The advent of the month of Shawwāl brings with it the remembrance of Ibrāhīm ‘alayhis salām and his memorable hajj. All over the world, those who are fortunate make preparations for this great spiritual experience. Hajj is from the five pillars of Islām and is fard upon every sane and mature believer who possesses the means to perform hajj.
Q: Please confirm if my wife can perform UMRA with her friends who are travelling with their Mehrams in a group.
Q: Some people say it's better to give money to poor instead of performing Hajj. They don't go to Hajj by showing this logic
that there are many poor around and they prefer to give money to them. Is that allowed?