Q: Is rental income from liquor store allowed ?
The global credit crisis presents the $1 trillion Islamic finance industry with an opportunity to expand its appeal beyond devout Muslim investors as a haven from speculative excess.
A breakdown of how the world got into its current financial mess... And what it means for you and your money.
In a very short period of time, the world trade markets and the "economic boom" took a toll for the worse and plummeted to its all-time low. Those who are unaware of the workings of Western Capitalistic Economy continue to turn a blind eye and regard this crisis as a mere short term recoverable mini recession. At the same time, those who have spent their lives in the field are much more critical. In fact, the Global Crisis is neither a trifling matter restricted to a number of days nor is it recoverable.
[Condensed from a talk by Justice Mufti Taqi Usmani, delivered at the International Conference of the World Muslim Congress.]
In Islam the market is to be free and permitted to respond to the natural laws of supply and demand. Thus, when the prices became high in the Prophet's time and people asked him to fix prices for them, he replied
According to Abdullah ibn Masud, Radi-Allahu unhu, The Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said: 'Seeking halal earning is a duty after the duty.' In other words working to earn a halal living is itself a religious obligation second in importance after the primary religious obligations like prayers, fasting and hajj.
Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah(r.a.): Allah's Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) cursed the accepter of interest and its payer, and one who records it, and the two witnesses; and he said: They are all equal (Muslim).
Below are some tips on how one can improve service and profits of one's Halal business. This can be applied to all business...: