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Q:I understand that one should be in the state of wudhu when touching the Qur’an. However, does one also have to be in wudu to recite the Qur’an e.g. from memory, or if one has downloaded the Qur’an on their mobile phone or computer?

Q: How often should one cut one’s nails?

Q: A woman is in Haidh or Nifaas or man is in a state of Janabat, if they hear live Ayat for Sajdah Tilaawat, is it Wajib upon to do so when they become paak?

Q: Is it permissible to use lotions which contain alcohol, since there doesn’t seem to be any lotions which do not contain alcohol...And is it permissible to use perfumes which contain alcohol?

Q: I have a problem. At times when I'm watching TV and a scene of promiscuity or intimacy is screened, I discharge a liquid. I don't know if it's white or colourless. I only realise it after I feel some wetness. The same happens when I talk with female friends.
Is Ghusl Fardh or can I just make Wudhu and perform Salah?



  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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