From the Fatwa Department
Q: What is the ruling on mystery boxes? For example, if I buy a box for R100, but the items inside may be worth more or less?
Q: I would like to know if Halal nail polish is permissible to use and will the wudhu be valid whilst wearing the polish?
Q: Is sleeping with your legs facing qibla permissible?
Q: Can a brother give Zakat to his sister or Sadaqah would be more preferable
Q: If a man marries a woman who has not sat for her Iddah, will the Nikah be valid?
Q: We read our Fajr salah, just the Fardh, a few minutes before sunrise... After Salam, we realised that there are still a few minutes remaining till sunrise to perform our 2 rakaats of Sunnah Muakkadah... Should we perform the Sunnah in this time?
Are you allowed to play a game on an agreement that the losers will buy the winners something, like a prize?
Q: I would like to know the Islamic ruling with regard to smoking marijuana (cannabis/weed/dagga/zol, etc.)
Q: Until what age should a brother and sister share the same room?
Q: Is it permissible to use a braai stand at a public place, if one puts foil or a grill mat over the griddle?
Q: If the teacher listens to each student's Quran lesson individually, and the same sajdah verse is recited by each student, how many sajdahs do each of them make? Note that each student is able to hear the other student's recitation.
Q: I am a divorced mother with two sons aged 17 and 12 and a daughter aged 14. I have received a proposal from someone who is also divorced with two daughters aged 13 and 8. If we marry, do my sons become 'mahrams' to these girls by virtue of our marriage ?
Q: Is it permissible to make Tayammum if one fears missing the Janazah Salah?
Q: How many people are required to perform the Janazah Salah?