From the Fatwa Department
Q: Should a person intending to perform Qurbani abstain from cutting hair and nails?
Q: If a Shari traveller misses Salah on a journey then when making up the missed Salah then should he make Qadha of the Salah as 2 Rakats or 4 Rakats?
Q: In the current situation Salatul Janazah, for victims of Covid-19, is held at a hall or a holding facility after the Ghusl is given. Both males and females are present. In such circumstances, will it permissible for the females to join the Salatul Janazah?
Q: If a person was sedated on a ventilator for a few weeks should he perform Qaza of the missed Salah when he recovers ?
Q: A conventional has offered me a job interview in the business finance department. Is it permissible for a Muslim to work at a conventional bank?
Q: I would like to ask the ruling on keeping dogs as pets as well as playing with them
Q: Is Salah valid when performing Salah individually at home and when one is in pyjamas or other night attire?
Q: Can a husband bury his wife and is he allowed to see her face? I heard the Nikah breaks and the husband is not allowed to see her face.
Q: If a husband gives talaq to wife, what’s the ruling in Shariah? Does the wife have to return the gift to the ex-husband or does it belong to her?
Q. Can a man go about looking for a wife himself via internet and talks to her on the mobile for marriage purposes? In marriage what questions can a man and a lady ask each other?
Q: Does a mouth full of babies vomit make your clothing napaak?
Q: I’m getting married soon, and I would like to know what are the prerequisites for a Walimah to take place? Does the Nikah have to be physically consummated? What period of time should there be between the Nikah and the Walimah? Will the Nikah and Walimah be invalid if the marriage isn’t physically consummated?