From the Fatwa Department
Q: When a man divorces his wife, is he still required to her nafaqah (maintenance) and how much, as well as shelter?
Q: What should be done with food which is left open during the night?
Q: A safe with Zakat money was taken in a burglary. Must the Zakat monies stolen be discharged again?
Q: Is it permissible for men to wear diamonds, emeralds and other gem like jewellery?
Q: I have young children and as a part of teaching them number and colour recognition one of the easy ways to do this is by allowing them to play the card game Uno. The cards do not resemble regular playing cards that are used in gambling/poker nor do they have animate pictures. Would it be permissible to allow them to play such a game?
Q: Will a marriage be plagued by misfortune if performed during the month of Muharram or Safar?
Q: The Hadith encourages spending on one's family on 10th of Muharram. Is this restricted to merely serving extra food at home, or can it refer to spending additionally on one’s dependents in other things as well?
Q: What parts of Halal animals are forbidden for consumption?
Q. If a Musafir missed Salah on a journey and wants to make qaza after his journey is over, should he shorten his Salah like a traveller or perform the normal number of Rakats?
Q: A person was a Musafir on 10, 11, and 12of Zul Hijjah. However, before sunset on 12 Zul Hijjah he returned home. Will Qurbani be Wajib upon him? Similarly, if a person upon whom Qurbani was not Wajib received some money which equals the Nisab amount just before sunset of 12 Zul Hijjah, will Qurbani be Wajib upon him?
Q: If a woman remarries after her husband passes away, is she still entitled to inherit from her deceased husband’s estate?
Q: A Muslim boy and girl committed zina (fornication) resulting in the girl falling pregnant. Both have realised the gravity of their error, and want to perform Nikah as soon as possible. Will the child to be from this relationship be legitimate?
Q: What is the ruling on working in a female only laser hair removal clinic, which includes removal of pubic hair?
Q: I recited some Surah or Qira’at after Surah Fatihah in the third Rakat of Maghrib? Do I make Sajdah Sahw for this?