From the Fatwa Department
Q: Should one slaughter an animal for our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and those that have passed on?
Q: Are there any parts of the animal (except blood) that is haraam to consume?
Q: Please can you advise the Islamic view on the removal of the hair (pubic, underarm and other) and the cutting of nails during
• Menstruation
• Ten days prior to qurbani
Q: If a person's qurbani was done in a country in which Eid was a day ahead and one's qurbani done on 10 Zul Hijjah , will one's qurbani be valid?
Q: Is it permissible to cut a sheep which has no tail for qurbani ?
Q: Is it permissible to use for Qurbani cattle below 2yrs,however this animal weighs the same, looks the same, and is fed the same food as the other 2yr old cattle?
Q: Some questions regarding a woman in her Iddat (the mourning period for a widowed woman).
Q: Here are some questions regarding a woman in her Iddat (the mourning waiting period for a widowed woman). Can she…
Q: What is the ruling if impurity such as urine gets on to the following objects and dries out? Will it be Tahir?
Q: What is the ruling on moustache in Islam? Should the moustache be completely removed or rather only shortened?
Q: Please can you advise the Islamic view on the removal of the hair (pubic, underarm and other) and the cutting of nails during
Q: I would like to know the right way of doing Hijab in the light of Quran and Hadith as how our Muslim women should cover their body?
Q. Please advise on the ruling regarding a woman getting a bellyring. This will be purely for my husband as an adornment ?
Q: I am married to a man who has 2 sons (older than 21yrs of age) from his previous marriage.
Q: What is the Awrah (satar) for men and women explained, in Quran or Ahadith?