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From the Fatwa Department

Q: Is it permissible for women to drive while adhering the laws of hijab? Today it seems a necessity for them to drop off and pick up kids from school as well as buying the household needs when the husband is at work. What if she needs to drive in order to go to her madrasah etc. be it for teaching or studying? Is there any set rule we can look at which we can apply on the different situations which come about regarding them driving? Also, if they just learn to drive "In case of emergency"?

genderQ: I have a couple of questions regarding women. I have a request, when answering these questions think as though your daughter or your sister is asking these questions to you. I am a hanafi, so I need answers from the hanafi fiqh point.

Can a Woman Administer Shahada to a New Muslim?Q: A non-Muslim young boy started working for a Muslim family as domestic servant.  Later he decided to accept Islam and take Shahada. As they live in a remote town where no male was available, the lady of the house administered the Shahada.

Reciting Masnoon Du'as During MensesQ: I wanted to know in the days of menses if women can read Masnoon Dua’s and the Durood Sharif. I know that we cannot touch or recite the Qur’an but some people say that you can recite Masnoon Dua's and Durood Sharif.


Fancy AbayasQ: Is it allowed to wear abayas with stones and embroidery fixed onto it? If it is allowed, up to what extent can it be adorned?

February 2009

Q: What are the acts that nullify Salaat?

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  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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