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From the Fatwa Department

Q: A person has a business and is in need of a loan. A friend agrees to lend R50 000, but the friend says he wants a share of his sales i.e. he will invest in his business, but he must be paid R65000.

If he repays him back R65000 , he will lend him the money.

Is such a transaction allowed?

Q: When making an extra nafl Qurbani, over and above one’s wajib Qurbani, can one make the niyyat (intention) for Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and include deceased relatives and other Muslims in the reward of one animal ? Also can one intend all deceased Muslims with one animal ?

Q: If a person did not perform Qurbani when it was compulsory on him, what should be done ? Can he give the monetary value in charity or will it be better to slaughter the animal or get a reputable organisation to do it for him?

Q: Can a woman wear coloured contact lenses and can these lenses be worn for beautification purposes ?

Q: What is the ruling regarding women shaping their eyebrows?

A: It is not permissible for women to neaten, trim, shape or cut their eyebrows. However, if the eyebrows appear grossly abnormal, extremely long and thick then they may  be trimmed slightly for them to appear normal. (Ahsanul Fatawa Vol. 8 Pg. 76)

There is a Hadith which mentions that women who remove such hair are accursed. The Hadith appears in Sahih Bukhari #4886, Sahih Muslim #2125, Sunan Abi Dawood #4691, Sunan ibni Majah #1989, Sunanud Daarimi Vol.2 Pg. 363 #2647.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Was Salaam

Shafiq Jakhura (Mufti)                  M.D. Mangera (Mufti)                                  
Fatwa Dept.                                     Fatwa Dept.

People owe me money, so how do I calculate my Zakah?Q: There are a few people who owe me money for loans they have taken and stock purchased etc. Should I regard these amounts as Zakatable assets when calculating Zakah?

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  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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