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From the Fatwa Department

Q: Do i have to read my sunatul muakada as a musafir?

Q: Can you please list some of the other Sahabah who accepted Islam on the Da’wat of Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiyallahu Anhu)?

Q: I have a question regarding a person who is a musaafir. If someone is visiting for a long while how many days are they still regarded a musaafir?

Q: Did Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiyallahu Anhu) make Hijrat to Abyssinia?

Q: I would like to enquire what is the ruling with regards to keeping dogs for security?

Q: Is it permissible to use lotions which contain alcohol, since there doesn’t seem to be any lotions which do not contain alcohol...And is it permissible to use perfumes which contain alcohol?

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  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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