From the Fatwa Department
Q: I would like to know what is the minimum number of Muqtadis necessary for a Jamaat (apart from Jumaat which requires 3 Muqtadis apart from the Imam)? Kindly answer in light of Hanafi school of thought.
Q: It has come to my knowledge that some people observe certain Nawafil Salah by reciting any specific surah a certain number of times (that is more than once) in each Raka'ah after reading Surah Fatiha.
Q: I would like to know the ruling of putting on a sleeveless shirt then going to perform Salah.
Q: I follow Imam Abu Hanifa (R). When I pray Fard Salah behind any imam I do not recite Surah Fatiha, but my friends who follow other imams do.
Q: My question is regarding Salatul Fajr. If Jamat is already going on, is it mandatory to pray 2 Rakah Junnah then join the congregational Salah or directly join the Jamat & later pray the 2 Rakah Sunnah.
Q: Muslims in Toronto are facing a new challenge these days regarding Jumuah SalaH timings. A few of the Masjids here have started Jumuah congregation before Zuhr timings,
Q: If a hafiz made a major mistake in reciting the Holy Qur'an in taraweeh which changes the meaning of word or words, do we have to repeat those rakats or not?
Q: I sold goods to a customer some months ago. This customer has not paid me. My only recourse in getting my money back is to issue summons. My query is : Can I charge him for all my legal costs ?
Q: We don't have our own house but we have a plot and some saved money for construction purposes. We understand that we don't have to pay Zakat on a piece of land, but we not sure about the money saved which is still not enough for construction purposes.
Q: I work as a flight attendant in the Middle East. Is it true that my salary is Haram mixed with Halal, since I serve passengers with alcoholic beverages during their flight? Should I resign and find a Halal job instead? Is it permissible for me and my family to eat from the money that I have earned as a flight attendant, or should I give a portion of my money to charity to make it Halal? I have also heard that if I pay the Zakat, it can change my Haram salary into Halal. Is this true? I'm confused as my main task is to take care of passenger's safety and serving alcoholic beverages is only a side task for me. Is there a way to make my salary Halal?
Q: Is it permissible to charge a patient a certain amount if they are paying cash, and inflate the amount if they are on medical aid?
Q: If a person is sitting in I’tikaf, is it acceptable for him to send text messages or call his family members?
Q- Is the fast affected if a woman were to have an internal examination whilst fasting?