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From the Fatwa Department

A Sea Cruise! Yes or No?Q: What is the Islamic ruling with regard to going on a sea cruise?

Competition entry feeQ: A certain organisation requests contribution towards a noble charity initiative. An incentive for making a contribution is an entry into a draw with the possibility of winning a lucrative prize. The organisers have made it clear that no monies from the charity would be utilised for the prizes. The prizes are sponsored independently. Is such an initiative in order?

Cutting of one’s hairQ: Is it permissible to have a 2 or more length haircut? Kindly Explain

Q: Please forward me more clarity on closing at Jumma time, I have a business and need to know what’s the ruling on closing Fridays at Jumma.

Is sexual intercourse permitted from the rear private area?Q: Is sexual intercourse permitted from the rear private area ?

Is it permissible to eat calamari?Q: Is it permissible to eat calamari?

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  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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