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Musafir becoming a Muqeem before sunset on 12th Zul Hijjah

Q: A person was a Musafir on 10, 11, and 12of Zul Hijjah. However, before sunset on 12 Zul Hijjah he returned home. Will Qurbani be Wajib upon him? Similarly, if a person upon whom Qurbani was not Wajib received some money which equals the Nisab amount just before sunset of 12 Zul Hijjah, will Qurbani be Wajib upon him?

A: Yes, Qurbani will become Wajib, if a traveller returned home or a person acquired the required wealth on the 12th of Zul Hijjah before sunset. Similarly, Qurbani will be Wajib on a person who becomes the owner of Nisab before sunset on 12 Zul Hijjah.

And Allah Knows Best
Darul Ihsan Fatwa Dept.

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