From the Fatwa Department
Q: What is the correct date of birth of our beloved Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam)?
Q: Kindly explain the Shar'i ruling on married couples exchanging gifts amongst themselves especially on Valentine's Day?
Q: What is the status of homosexuality in Islam, and how should one cope with it?
Q: What is the Shari ruling with regards to having Christmas decorations, Santa and Elves etc. in my store? It is just to create a theme.
Q: (i) Is there any permissibility for working as an employee with the bank in the capacity of an accountant or auditor?
Q: I would like to know whether it is permissible to invest in the stock exchange. Obviously, I will endeavour to ensure that the companies in which I invest in does not involve itself in the selling of haraam products.
Buying and selling gold is acceptable subject to the following...
Q: I work in a data centre as a network engineer, which supports a conventional bank, an Islamic Bank (which is a subsidiary of the conventional bank), and an Academy which teaches banking courses.
Q: This is about taking a sub- broker ship (also known as Franchiser) in the Share Trading Company.
Q: I work in a software house as software engineer. We build software product for NYSE, CBOE etc. The product is used to create orders for equity and options. There are also other functions in the system as well related to the trading.
Q: What does Islam say about tobacco/cigarette based business/job?
Q: I am interested in the Forex SPOT trading business and would like to know if it is Halal. The trading that I will be doing will be as follows:
Q: I am a chartered accountant by profession and have been facing a dilemma. During my article-ship (on job training) I have been mostly posted at different types of financial institutions.
After due consideration of the MTN Zakhele share offering and consultation with Ulama our considered opinion is that the said share offering is not in conformity with Shariah principles, largely based on the fact that the offering is structured on the basis of interest based funding that is prohibited in the Shariah. Accordingly, it is not permissible to invest in this offering from a Shariah perspective.
Q. My uncle worked for NIT and then for National Bank of Pakistan till his retirement with a golden handshake. All of his life he worked for these groups by his own will and never tried to get another job to avoid riba related activities. Now he has given me some amount from his assets. Is that amount halal for me to take and spent on my family?