Haamidaw wa Musalliyaa
"Hazrat Anas ibn Maalik (R.A.) narrates in a hadith of Sahih Bukhari that Rasulullah Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned:
من نسي صلاة فليصل اذا ذكرها لا كفارة لها الا ذلك
“Whoever forgets to pray a Salah, it is obligatory upon him that he pray that Salah when he remembers. There is no other way that this can be made up." (Sahih Bukhari , Kitaabul Mawaaqeet - Hadith 597)
The words of Rasulullah Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam in a Hadith of Muslim are as follows:
" Whenever one of you misses a Salah due to sleeping or due to negligence, it is obligatory upon him that he pray the Salah when he remembers it because Allah (SWT) has metioned, "Perform Salah when you remember me" (Hadith 1569)
In a Hadith of Sunan Nas'ai it is mentioned:
" Rasulullah Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam was asked regarding a person who misses a Salah due to sleep or negligence. Rasulullah Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that its compensation is that he should perform the Salah when he remembers. "(Nasaai pg 171)
These Ahadith as well as many others are clear that any Salah that has been missed must be performed when one remembers. In fact the ayah of the Qur’an recited by Rasulullah Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam in the hadith of Muslim above, also indicates that this ayah of the Holy Quran refers to Qada Salah as well, as it was recited in the context of Qada.
There is a consensus among the jurists that Qada must be made for missed Salahs.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Shafiq Jakhura (Mufti)
Fatwa Dept.