Q: If I have not done my son’s Aqeeqah. My child is 6 years old, and now Qurbani is due, which should I do first?
Q: Assalamualaikum
I have not had Zakaat Nisab for one lunar year. Do I still have to make Qurbani?
Q: When making an extra nafl Qurbani, over and above one’s wajib Qurbani, can one make the niyyat (intention) for Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and include deceased relatives and other Muslims in the reward of one animal ? Also can one intend all deceased Muslims with one animal ?
Q: If a person did not perform Qurbani when it was compulsory on him, what should be done ? Can he give the monetary value in charity or will it be better to slaughter the animal or get a reputable organisation to do it for him?
Q: Is it permissible to fast on 13th Zul Hijjah especially since it is from the Ayyaam-e-Beedh (13th, 14th and 15th) of the month and it is Sunnah to fast on such days?
Q: I would like to find out, if a women can perform her qurbani, slaughter her sheep while experiencing her monthly period.
Q: I want to find out should ladies cut their own animal and what is the virtue? Please explain.
The animal that is being sacrificed for Qurbani should be treated with respect.
The central theme of Eid-ul-Adha is submission to the Will of Allah Ta'ala and sacrificing everything for His pleasure. Ibrahim u exemplified this spirit of submission and sacrifice in the best possible manner. When confronted with the challenge of love and allegiance, he chose to submit unconditionally to Allah Ta'ala and suppressed his personal desire and love for his family and child.
Q: What if the animal purchased for Qurbani is lost should we get another animal for Qurbani or it is ok ?
Q: Should one slaughter an animal for our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and those that have passed on?
Q: Are there any parts of the animal (except blood) that is haraam to consume?
Q: Please can you advise the Islamic view on the removal of the hair (pubic, underarm and other) and the cutting of nails during
• Menstruation
• Ten days prior to qurbani
Q: If a person's qurbani was done in a country in which Eid was a day ahead and one's qurbani done on 10 Zul Hijjah , will one's qurbani be valid?