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Valentine's Day

Valentine's DayQ: Kindly explain the Shar'i ruling on married couples exchanging gifts amongst themselves especially on Valentine's Day?

Q: Kindly explain the Shar'i ruling on married couples exchanging gifts amongst themselves especially on Valentine's Day?

Haamidaw wa Musalliyaa

Valentine's Day has its roots in Christianity. It was established to mourn the death of a Roman – St. Valentine – who was killed more than 1700 years ago. Since it has its roots in Christianity, Muslims should avoid customs such as sending cards, gifts, roses, eating out etc. that are associated with Valentine's Day. Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) stated: “The one who imitates a nation is from them.” (Abu Dawood)

It should be borne in mind that exchanging gifts is something encouraged in Shariath especially for a married couple. Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) has stated: “Exchange gifts with one another it will create love for each other.” (Baihaqi). However, this should not be done on Valentine's Day, and other such days like anniversary, birthday, etc.

And Allah  Knows Best
M Mangera (Mufti)
Fatwa Dept.

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