From the Fatwa Department
Q: If a Masjid has a female section, can one who is in the state of Haidh sit in the women’s section for programs? If not can a mat be placed at the back of the women’s section for those in Haidh to sit on?
Q: Is ‘Hidaad’ (during Iddah) applicable if there are no Mahrams (menfolk) in the house?
Q: How many days does a person have to stay in a place to be a Musafir?
Q: Can a person performing Hajj apply sun lotion whilst in the state of Ihram?
Q: I recently noticed that I missed quite a few Sajdah Tilawah when reading or hearing the Qur’an. I have lost count of how many Sajdah Tilawah I need to make. However, I might be able to count an approximate amount. Please advise what do I do in this situation
Q: Does one pay Zakat on inheritance money not yet received?
Q: After my demise, I wish certain specific assets to go to certain heirs. How can I ensure this happens?
Q: I wanted to know which Surah can be read at a Nikah for Barakah (blessings)?
Q: What happens if a person does not perform Tawaf-uz-Ziyarah?