From the Fatwa Department
Q: Is marrying a Hindu boy or girl permissible in Islam? If not, can you give references from the Qur’an and Hadith?
Q: I am somewhat perplexed by the determination of Zakat. Particularly the holding period for an investment or cash asset.
Q. Can we give zakat or fitra to non-Muslims who are needy?
Q: Is it permissible to discharge Zakaat on one’s Zakaatable wealth before the expiry of one complete lunar year?
Q: Can Zakaat be given to one’s paternal uncle (father’s brother) if he is eligible to receive Zakaat?
Q: Can Zakaat be used to pay off the financial debts of a person in financial difficulty. The payment is intended to be made directly to his creditors? It is feared that if the Zakaat money is given to him he will misuse it?
Q. My husband and I live with my parents-in-law. My father-in-law is retired and my mother-in-law is a surgeon (a bread winner). My mother-in-law takes care of most of our expenses such as food, shelter, college tuition, etc. My husband works in his mother's office. My husband and I have more than the zakatable assets.
Q: If a shelter for abused women receives Zakah, must they use the Zakah only for the Muslim women residents at the Shelter?
Q.) My question is that we don't have our own house but we have a plot and some saved money for construction purpose. We understand that we don't have to pay Zakat on piece of land but not sure about the money saved that is still not enough for the construction purpose. Please guide us.
Q: I operate a business from home and am not sure how to calculate my zakaat on my stock? Please advise me.
Q: Can Zakaat be used to pay off a poor persons debt?
Q: Is Zakaat payable on e-bucks and voyager miles?
Q: Can a daughter give her zakaat to her widowed mother who lives of a state grant?
A certain organisation requests contribution towards a noble charity initiative. An incentive for making a contribution is an entry into a draw with the possibility of winning a lucrative prize. The organisers have made it clear that no monies from the charity would be utilised for the prizes. The prizes are sponsored independently. Is such an initiative in order?