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Hajj and Umrah

Performing Umrah during the months of HajjQ: Is it permissible for a person from South Africa to perform Umrah during the months of Hajj without performing Hajj?

Ref: haj001/07

August 2007 

Q: A family leaves South Africa with the intention of going to Makkah first but wants to sleep in Jeddah when they arrive at 22h00. They will not be in Ihram but will put it on at their hotel in Jeddah the next morning and proceed to Makkah for Umra. Is this permissible as they know they are going to Makkah and have passed the Meeqat before adorning the Ihram?

hajjQ. I am going to do 'Umra insha-Allah and my daughter-in-law who is also my niece wants to come along to do too.
Can I be her mahram?

Sewing a Flag to the Ihram ClothQ: Sewing a Flag to the Ihram Cloth

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  • Fidya: R28.00

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