From the Fatwa Department
Q: My friend accidentally killed his mother. Is he entitled to the estate as he is the only child? The SA law found him not guilty but negligent. Islamically does he have to be killed?
Q: My question is regarding year-end gifts / season gifts. We receive different kinds of gifts from our suppliers. Some of them are just items of use and others are edible items. Some of them are clearly marked as season's greetings and others read happy new year, some read as year end greetings, etc. And some dont have anything written on it. Can we use/consume these items? What should we do if not allowed to use them?
February 2009
Q: Are the following activities acceptable in Islam - skydiving , parachuting , mountain climbing ?
February 2009
Q: Which one is more close to Sunnah shaving the moustache with a razor or trimming it with scissors or trimmer?
February 2009
Q: Could you please guide us on the method of raising funds for Islamic projects in present times. Are activities such as fund-raising dinners, fun walks, etc. acceptable?
Q: I would appreciate if you could explain me in detail about neck-tie. Is it permissible? If not, why not?
Q: I would like to know if baby/wedding showers are permissible or not?
Q: Is it permissible for men to wear cycling shorts that cover the satr?
Q: May I know whether covering of the face in Hijab is a Fardh, Wajib, Masnoon or Mustahab? Please specify the school of thought (maslak) according to which you will answer this question.
Q: I wanted to know if it is allowed in Islam to wear clothes upon which some cartoons or other faces are drawn? Is it allowed to gift these kind of dresses to our relatives or friends who like to wear such kind of clothes? Is playing with stuffed toys allowed or not?
Q: What is the hanafi ruling regarding hunting with modern rifles,are there any conditions? Is the animal considered halal if all other conditions are fulfilled?
Q: I have read that eating Crabs is permissible is this true?