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From the Fatwa Department My friend accidentally killed his mother. Is he entitled to the estate as he is the only child? The SA law found him not guilty but negligent. Islamically does he have to be killed?

Is it permissible to use black hair dye?Q: Is it permissible to use black hair dye?

Q: My question is regarding year-end gifts / season gifts. We receive different kinds of gifts from our suppliers. Some of them are just items of use and others are edible items. Some of them are clearly marked as season's greetings and others read happy new year, some read as year end greetings, etc. And some dont have anything written on it. Can we use/consume these items? What should we do if not allowed to use them?


Q: Is Bovine gelatine permissible for consumption?

February 2009

Q: Are the following activities acceptable in Islam -  skydiving , parachuting , mountain climbing ?

February 2009

Q: Which one is more close to Sunnah shaving the moustache with a razor or trimming it with scissors or trimmer?

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  • Mahr Fatimi: R28687
  • Minimum Mahr: R565
  • Zakaah Nisaab: R11481
  • Fidya: R28.00

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