From the Fatwa Department
Q- Does smoking invalidate the fast?
A: Smoking nullifies the fast. Both Qadhaa and Kaffarah become Waajib.
Q. My question is regarding taqdeer (fate): if Allah has written the taqdeer for every individual, then why does He punish accordingly, since it is He that has prescribed this . For example the u ncle of the Prophet Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, (Abu Talib) was not able to accept Islam as Allah did not appoint him with hidayat (guidance). If that was the way Allah had prescribed his life, then why should he be punished?
Q: Is the name "Rahman Brothers Petroleum Service" correct according to the Shariah? Please note that for the change of name or title, it may take several months.
Q: Is Allah everywhere, or is He beyond the heavens and the earth?
Q: If a husband and wife lived apart for more than four months, is it necessary to remarry before being together again?
Q: If the word Talaaq is announced three times out of sheer anger. Is it valid ?
Q: I am a Muslim living in the USA. After 20 years of marriage my wife has filed a divorce case in one of the civil courts here. I am not willing to give her divorce but she is insisting on this. What would be the position of this court divorce according to Muslim law?
Q: Does a remarried divorcee have a right over her children from the previous marriage? The former husband claims that she waived her custodial rights by remarrying -- and that the boys will remain with him.
Q: Please confirm if my wife can perform UMRA with her friends who are travelling with their Mehrams in a group.
Q: Some people say it's better to give money to poor instead of performing Hajj. They don't go to Hajj by showing this logic
that there are many poor around and they prefer to give money to them. Is that allowed?
Q: Is it permissible for a person from South Africa to perform Umrah during the months of Hajj without performing Hajj?
Ref: haj001/07
August 2007
Q: A family leaves South Africa with the intention of going to Makkah first but wants to sleep in Jeddah when they arrive at 22h00. They will not be in Ihram but will put it on at their hotel in Jeddah the next morning and proceed to Makkah for Umra. Is this permissible as they know they are going to Makkah and have passed the Meeqat before adorning the Ihram?
Q. I am going to do 'Umra insha-Allah and my daughter-in-law who is also my niece wants to come along to do too.
Can I be her mahram?
Q: Can a goat of 10 month age be done for qurbani? It is difficult to find 1 year old goat currently where I live in the USA.
Q: Is it permissible to use mxit, facebook and other social networks?